Tuesday, December 11, 2018

CMG IMPACT conference discount


Friday, October 19, 2018

#CMGnews - IMPACT Keynote: Capacity Planning Under Cloudy Skies: The Times Are A-Changing

Brian L Wong   |   Richmond, Virginia Area    |    www.capitalone.com
Much of the world is moving to clouds, and many significant parts of IT are changing at the same time. Capacity planning is far from obsolete, but practicing it in a different and much more rapidly changing environment will be very different than in the past. Here’s where the field is going.
Brian is a Technology Fellow at Capital One.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Catching Anomaly and Normality in Cloud by Neural Net and Entropy Calculation

UPDATE: My presentation is accepted.

- I have submitted my next CMG (https://cmgimpact.com/) presentation and waiting for the acceptance. BTW I used some past CMG and this blog posts as a material for my presentation.

E.G. You may check it out using below links:

  Quantifying Imbalance in Computer Systems